Getting involved
There are many ways to help and contribute with APTonCD project.
Bellow you can see several tasks you can help, but most of them requires a Launchpad account. If you haven't one, you can join on Launchpad or send me an email with the bug report, feature request, .po file, code and feedback.
Report a bug
APTonCD is good and works fine, well... we're working very hard, aren't?! :).
But, as any software, it is passive of bugs, and if you experience some problem or error, please, let us know, and we'll work to solve this issue.
At this time, APTonCD is avaliable on more than 14 languages. If you want translate APTonCD to your native language, do it on Rosetta, or directly downloading the latest aptoncd.pot (on svn repository), translating it and sending me on cypherbios AT gmail-com.
Request a feature
Often, what we need is only a good idea that are not thinked yet. You can help us sugesting an feature or option that you would like see on next version (or on testing svn repository).
The mainstream of the development in any project is the code. If you have some [advanced] knowledge on Python and GTK, you could join the develpment Team. Or, if you do not want involve too much, you can send patchs and bug-fixes to help on code development. See the development page to know more.
If you like to feel strong and great emotions, you are able to test the development subversion repository of APTonCD. Scroll at the end of Download page know how to get the latest development version.
We like to listen the user's suggestions, and we like to listen some critics, and we would like to get your suggestion. Please, contact us via one method described at Contact page