
APTonCD is Free and Open Source Software, you can get it, distribuite and modify the code, following the terms of General Public Licence v2.
Writen in Python and GTK, using libglade and gtk hard-coded. Some modules is used too, like python-apt, apt_pkg, and make use of some tools, such as Synaptic, gksu and nautilus-cd-burner.

How Can I help?!

Is there many ways to help on the development, and most of these ways are described in Get Involved page.
But, the code is the most important way, and if you can, we would like to have you in our Development Team.

How it works?!

APTonCD have, basicaly, two main modules: "Create APTonCD" and "Download Repositories".

Create APTonCD
The Create function, list your debian packages installeds using apt (that inclues apt-get, aptitude and synaptic) to let you choose the desired packages to make an removable repository with then. The packages are stored locally by apt on your cache (/var/cache/apt/archives), and APTonCD copy these packages to an temporaly directory (set by user on "destination folder"), ~/aptoncd/packages/ by default, and scan these packages, generating a header file (Packages.gz) to let apt know what packages are in the media, and get a full description of then. A optional meta-package cold be created (if the checkbox is enabled, by default it is), and you can easily install all packages on the media simply installing the 'aptoncd-metapackage'
Download Repositories
This function get in the selected mirror the informations needed to perform the download of all packages on the repository or an specific section (ie.: main, restricted, universe, multiverse, contrib).
We'll put more information here... later ;)


APTonCD is developed for you by:

Laudeci Oliveira (aka Pretto)

The majoritary programmer and feature improver.
email: laudeci[at]gmail-com

Rafael Proença (aka CypherBIOS)

Project leader; project manager; website mantainner; bugs, features and i18n manager.
email: cypherbios[at]gmail-com

Rafael Sfair (aka Sfair)

Documentation Project leader.
email: rsfair[at]gmail-com
blog: Sfair's blog (pt_BR)


Peoples that are doing/did an very important contribuition for the project.

Alfredo Saldanha Jr. (aka Junix)

Did an excelent job on Download Repositories module.
email: junix[at]

Og Maciel

First code review and organization, i18n.
email: og.maciel[at]gmail-com
blog: Open Source Guy

Victor Jones

Documentation; Many suggestions and feedback, also an excelent bugcatcher.
email: jonesv[at]ssd.fsi-com